Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Complete DHW units are automated nodes for connecting heat consumption systems, made in the form of a ready-made block product and are designed for preparing a coolant in heating, ventilation, hot water supply systems and maintaining its temperature at a given level.

The WaterLine unit is a complete unit for thermal points based on Ridan heat exchangers, with an operating temperature of up to +200 °C and a pressure of up to 25 bar.

Based on the results of the block calculation, the following documentation (sample) can be provided to the client:

When ordering the block, the following documentation (sample) is provided:



All Ridan products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Ridan: collapsible, brazed, welded plate heat exchangers, complete DHW units
  • Collapsible heat exchangers Ridan
    Collapsible heat exchangers
    NNNo. 04, NN No. 201, etc.
  • Brazed heat exchangers Ridan
    Brazed heat exchangers
    SL14, SL70, SL333, etc.
  • Welded heat exchangers Ridan
    Welded heat exchangers
    SPS-22, SPS-1200, etc.
  • Complete DHW units Ridan
    Complete DHW units
    WaterLine et al.
  • Regulating automation Ridan
    Regulating automation
    RAV, ECL, TWA, AME, etc.
  • Pumps and pumping units Ridan
    Pumps and pumping units
    NB, NBG, etc.
  • Pipe fittings Ridan
    Pipe fittings
    FVF, 601, VFY, etc.
  • Expansion tanks Ridan
    Expansion tanks
    Varem et al.

About Ridan

The Ridan company started its activity in 1998 with the sale of thermal automation. In December 1999, its own production was organized. At the moment, the Ridan company is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of plate heat exchangers. Ridan provides the development of an individual technical solution, selection, manufacture and supply of plate heat exchangers and related equipment.

    The Ridan company produces, calculates and supplies a wide standard-sized range of collapsible plate heat exchangers and related equipment, which allows you to effectively solve any heat transfer tasks.

    The Technology and Quality Department conducts comprehensive control of each heat exchanger at all stages of production, starting with the input control of incoming materials and components and ending with the hydraulic testing of the finished product.

    Heat exchangers manufactured by Ridan are widely used in the field of communal energy, heating, hot water, cooling and air conditioning, as well as in the food, oil and gas and metallurgical industries.

Information Board Ridan

Learn more about our products Ridan.
  • Price list for components for heat exchangers изготовителя Ридан
    Price list for components for heat exchangers
  • Ridan equipment catalog на сайте Ридан
    Ridan equipment catalog
  • Questionnaire for Ridan heat exchangers от производителя Ридан
    Questionnaire for Ridan heat exchangers
  • Questionnaire for WaterLine blocks марки Ридан
    Questionnaire for WaterLine blocks
  • Questionnaire for thermal automation марки Ридан
    Questionnaire for thermal automation
  • Questionnaire for pumping equipment на сайте Ридан
    Questionnaire for pumping equipment
  • Questionnaire for pipe fittings производства Ридан
    Questionnaire for pipe fittings


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